Once you become a member we’ll charge your card each month, pick up at the store or ship quarterly. There is no monthly minimum, you may cancel or suspend your membership at any time. This also makes a great gift...
We feature four distinct clubs, join us!
bayleaf Club
This club is devoted to getting new wines into your mouth! These wines will be what bayleaf has always tried to bring you: wines of authentic expression of the world’s vineyards, wines that are handcrafted, made using natural techniques and have a story to be told. Our selections will be sustainable, family run, organic when possible and overall offer a sense of place. Consider this an opportunity to grow your palate.
Each month we’ll pick two selections to enjoy with foods of the season, wines that are to be shared with friends and at the table.
2 bottles a month 1 Red 1 White/Rose
$40 a month plus tax
New World Wine Club
By New World we mean style. Bigger expressions, use of balanced oak, enough going on in the glass to drink alone or pair with a hearty meal. These too will be paired with the foods of the season.
2 bottles a month 2 Reds
$45 a month plus tax
Bubbles Club
Celebrate each month! For those who appreciate delicious bubbles from around the world. Enjoy the exclusive benefit of store discounts on true Champagne while you are in the club.
2 bottles a month
$50 a month plus tax
Rose Wine Club
Yes this is a year round club. For those who want to enjoy and explore dry Rose from around the globe. From pale salmon to deep fuchsia these monthly selections are sure to please.
2 bottles a month
$35 a month plus tax
All Rights Reserved | bayleaf
Thanks to our creative team:
Rick @ Whidbey Web Design
Cade@ Heyatlascreative
Tacey @ Snowberry Lane Photography